I fancy myself a preppy bohemian … so I don’t normally go into stores like Bakers Shoes because, well, their merch tends to come off more hooker-ish than preppy bohemian to me. Now, I don’t mean ANY offense at all to anyone who absolutely adores Bakers and wears those hardcore 6-inch stilettos. Believe me– if I didn’t look like a baby deer learning how to walk when I wear heels, I might consider venturing away from my flats, so trust that I envy your dexterity.
So sometimes I venture into the Bakers in my neighborhood to check out the most boring shoes they carry, a.k.a. the flats. Once last winter, I scored on a pair of flat black boots I couldn’t find anywhere else, when it dawned on me that I was literally the only person in Jackson Heights with feet any bigger than a size 7 — the place was STOCKED with 9, 9.5, and 10 — so I was in my glory.
Anyway, I am thinking I may have unfairly dismissed the entire store on account of the scary hooker shoes that intimidate me from the window.
First, they have your standard gladiator sandal. And if you can snag the pair with the zipper in the back, even better — they are super easy to take on and off.

These are just the most darling little flower sandals. We’ve been seeing these a lot lately, and I feel like they are definitely a nod to Coach.

Even these simple beaded sandals are totally cute– I imagine them being a really nice complement to a solid colored tank dress @ night or jeans and a simple t-shirt on the weekend.

And braided stuff has just been everywhere this spring and summer, hasn’t it? — I do think there’s a sweet simplicity about these black braided sandals.

I feel like I have also been seeing a lot of eyelet and cutouts lately as well, and this pair of cutout flats to me is just so dainty and feminine … love them.

If you take a few minutes to look around, you can definitely find some cute things. And when they have sales going on, the prices aren’t all that bad.
(All images courtesy of Bakers Shoes)