…do it right.
I recently crossed over to the dark side and purchased my first pair of denim leggings, or jeggings. I saw them in the Factory section of J. Crew (which only opens on the weekends, natch) and thought I would give them a whirl.
They were, after all, on sale with an extra 30 or 40% off. I can’t remember, I was in a sale haze.

(Image courtesy of Polyvore and J. Crew)
Now, I’m a curvy girl, so when I saw them, I wondered how on earth I was ever going to get them on 🙂 they looked a little too skinny. But, oh my, the amazing stretch capabilities! They’re SO comfortable. I’m planning to wear them to work tomorrow for casual Friday and test them out tucked into boots.
Anyway, when then Factory section of J. Crew opens this weekend, as it does every weekend, I suggest checking them out!