It pays to pin

Do you enter Pinterest contests when you see them? If it’s from a brand that I love, the contest is fun and the prize seems cool, I enter it.  And I think it makes sense to enter them, too. 

Why? Well for one, it doesn’t cost you anything. You’re just spending time on Pinterest — something I love doing anyway. 

And if you’re lucky, you might win something like I did today πŸ™‚  I found out that I won the Uncommon Goods (one of my favorite sites for unique gifts) ‘Backyard Party Pinterest Contest’ … and a $250 gift card!

(Images courtesy of Uncommon Goods)

I can’t wait to spend my winnings on stuff for our new apartment when we move later this summer πŸ™‚

So the moral of the story is … you have to be in it to win it. 

PS – you can check out my winning board here