Weekend Wonders

Well, I’ve spent the majority of the day in a horizontal position, napping and just trying to feel better. I’m on a steady regimen of tea, gatorade, fruit (albeit with some Nutella), baked potatoes, rice and grilled chicken right now. Yes, it’s as bland as it sounds. Isn’t being sick the worst?!

Please, y’all … go out and do something fun this weekend. Let me live vicariously through you!

While I’m busy being an incubus of viral plague, here are five fun links for your weekend:

This blueberry lemon bundt cake sounds amazing right now. 

These chunky heeled strappy sandals are exactly what I need for spring.  

Christina Hendricks is stunning in this Net-A-Porter feature. 

In case you missed it: global jewelry.

Because you can never have too many chambray dresses.

What are you up to this weekend?

Weekend Wonders

Happy Friday, my lovelies!  To tell you the truth, it wasn’t a very happy Friday for me, as I was home with the absolute worst cramps I think I’ve ever had in my life!  TMI?  My bad … just keepin’ it real. At least the Oscars is on this Sunday …

Hope your weekend is shaping up to be better than mine! In the meantime here are five cool links to check out:

How different these famous folks look with tattoos.

A perfect pair of retro sunglasses.

Winona forever

A chic table lamp that looks like it costs a lot more than it does. 

This soup sounds amazing for a night like tonight.