Hostess Gifts

A coworker asked me yesterday for some suggestions for what to buy as a hostess gift. She’s spending part of the holidays as a guest at someone’s house and — rightly so — didn’t want to show up empty-handed.  

I gave her some suggestions, but I realized I should probably do a post on it here so all y’all can benefit from it.  So, here are some of my favorites:

1) Junior’s Cheesecake … it’s the absolute best. Order it ahead of time and schedule it to arrive on their doorstep the same day you do 🙂 my favorites are the strawberry and the chocolate mousse varieties.

(Image courtesy of Junior’s)

2) Ornaments for their tree … if they celebrate Christmas, why not get them a darling little ornament for their tree?  Terrain has some great options, including this fox.

(Image courtesy of Terrain)

3) I love cheese … how about bringing over some of your favorite cheeses and crackers along with this unique slate cheese board? I love that you can label the cheeses for your guests right on the board.

(Image courtesy of Uncommon Goods)

4) Bagel and schmear … If they celebrate Hanukkah — or maybe they just appreciate good New York delicatessan and a good laugh  — then why not give them some of these cheeky bagel plates?

(Image courtesy of Fishs Eddy)

5) A work of art … these geode coasters certainly are a work of art — and a work of nature. I’d bring a set of them over with my favorite bottle of prosecco.

(Image courtesy of Anthropologie)

PS — don’t forget about the Peppermint Bark from Williams-Sonoma that I blogged about last week.  And their hot chocolate mix would make an equally good gift.

(Image courtesy of Williams-Sonoma)

Hope this is useful to you!