Friends Finds on Etsy

Friends is hands-down my favorite TV show of all time (this is no surprise if you know me personally) and it will never not be funny to me. Sure, I don’t think it’s aging all that gracefully (and yes Ross is the absolute worst), but then again not many TV shows or movies from the past do age well. Regardless, I still watch the reruns every night and still love the show dearly. It’s such a big part of my adolescence and the source of so many jokes with my BFF and family. My nieces have even binge-watched it <3 which I love.


Because it’s one of my favorite shows, I thought it would be fun to see what kinds of fun Friends shirts, accessories, artwork, and other goodies are available on Etsy for the ultimate fan.

There are so many amazing and funny things you can get! I’ve rounded up all of my favorite items below — just click on any image for a direct link!

PS – you can see the rest of my favorite Etsy finds here.