Viewing posts in: ModCloth

Long live Joan!

Mad Men may be on hiatus in between its 4th and 5th seasons, but there is always room for a Joan Holloway dress like this in your wardrobe 🙂 (Image…

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Hello, Joan.

Umm … could this be anymore of a Joan dress? (Image courtesy of ModCloth) It totally reminds me of this one … (Image courtesy of AMC) LOVE.

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Grasshopper Pie

It’s a tad on the pricey side, but could you imagine a better dress to rock if you were planning on being Joan Holloway this Halloween? The Grasshopper Pie Dress:…

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A Joan dress

This is a total Joan Holloway dress … the ‘When I Grow Up’ dress: (Image courtesy ofModCloth) And it’s only $50!

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